


Strategic Energy primarily serves medium to large-volume commercial, institutional and industrial consumers in deregulated markets across Canada and the United States.

Electricity procurement requires a careful analysis of your electricity usage.  Strategic Energy uses detailed load shape data that captures your power consumption behaviour throughout the day, month and year.  We take into consideration your objectives, energy management requirements, as well as, your risk-tolerance and then develop a strategy optimized to your unique needs and usage patterns.

Strategic Energy can recommend a wide variety of options and hedges that take into consideration regulatory and market conditions that may affect commodity rates.  The following summarizes some of the block alternatives available:

Base Load Block

The base load block consists of a flat block of power purchased at a fixed price, covering a specific term.  Normally, the base block does not exceed the minimum load established by your daily load profile.

A base block product is an excellent option for consumers with very stable daily power consumption that operate at near full capacity 24 hours a day and have installed interval meters to track their individual usage.

Peak Load Block

Peak load contracts provide blocks of electricity at a fixed price covering the hours during which overall electricity demand is normally at its peak.  'On Peak' periods are from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Since peak power is also subject to the greatest price volatility, peak block loads are suitable for customers with a cumulative (standard) electricity meter whose daily consumption is based upon the utility's load shape, not their own.  Many consumers with interval meters can also benefit from price certainty during periods of peak demand.

Structured Block

A structured block provides maximum price certainty with minimum exposure to risk of any of the block products.  It features both base and peak load blocks purchased at a fixed price for a specified term.  There still is, however, a small measure of risk due to demand fluctuations.

Customized Proposal

The information above provides only a cursory overview of the many options available.  For more information or to arrange for a customized analysis and proposal, please contact us.






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